Thursday, 6 April 2017


This term we have been learning a new waiata, Hareruia. We performed it after karakia at this mornings assembly. We are very proud to be able to share this with you and would like to make special mention to Susan and Siomita for their solo performances and to Jada and Kauri for welcoming us in. We would also like to thank all the whanau that showed up to tautoko us.
Kia ora!


  1. I am super proud of each and every one of you. The beauty shone from all of you this morning, what a wonderful performance. Now, let's prepare for next term!

  2. WOW I wish you could hear me clapping in my blog comment! You were all amazing and your waiata sent shivers up my spine - it sounded so beautiful. I am so glad it was recorded and shared on your class blog. I would love to know the words to Hareruia. Could you add them to the post so I can practice and sing along with you. Great work Room 2. You should all be proud.
    Ngā mihi nui


    1. Hey Tania,
      We tried so incredibly hard...
      And for top blog commenter of the week you get.... (Drum Role)

      Lyrics for Hareruia...
      Ka Koingo Ka mahara
      Ki te mauri o te atua
      e te kamaka e te kaiwhakaora
      Ka hahana te manawa ki te ihi karanga ranga
      kei toku atua e hareruia

      Hareruia, Hareruia, Hareruia, Hareruia

      Hope you enjoy learning them Tania


  3. Room 2.... wonderful, wonderful, wonderful of the wondefullest. (Not a word)

    No words can explain the rhythm of my heartbeat... But i know we will stick together through to the end without Kara or with... We have our own talents we need to expose our own techniques that need to be known... But even singing can explain the way i know we are strong as one... We've had a lot of experients through the life of being at Edmund Hillary School which is where i met all of you beautiful people... We will make it through to the end with or without eachother believe me...

    2 the end of the year we GO!

    I love having you all around me...
    Room 2 rules

    Kia Ora

  4. Well done Room 2,
    We all did well even thought we shouted the audience still loved it and we made it work!

  5. Kia Ora Room 2,
    While sitting in that audience all I was thinking about was how good you guys were at singing in front of many people, it takes guts. I bet it took so much effort to learn that song. I am proud of Kauri and Jada, they both spoke clearly and loudly...I am proud of Susan and Siomita for singing so AMAZING.


    1. Hi Roseena,
      Thank you for posting this wonderful comment. Room 2 did work really hard on Hareruia but we wouldn't of done it this well without Kara she taught us the lyrics and how to sing it. I am proud of my class because they sang BEAUTIFULLY. I been wondering to ask Is Room 9 going to a item?


  6. Hey room 2,My name is James.I'm from room 11 at park estate school. I was impressed by how you guys sang. next time you add more.
    Kind regards:James

    1. Hello James my name is Faith,
      Thanks for leaving this lovely comment and yes I really agree with your comment Room 2 is happy to see more of your comments and we are looking forward to be looking for some of your Items. If you are wanting to visit my blog Then I will be glad to comment back on your left comment..
      Kind Regards

  7. Hi room 2 my name is Marsh i'm a student form Park Estate school I like
    your video because sang proud.

    kind regards

  8. hey Room 2,My name is Ruben and I am from park estate school.I was impress by how you guys time you can add more.
    Kind regards:Ruben

  9. Hi, Room 2 my name is Mana in room 11 at Park Estate School I like your video it is amazing because it is interesting.

    Kind Regards Mana

  10. Hi my name is Carlos i am from Park Estate school i enjoyed listening to it was amazing!!!!!

  11. Hi my name is myah and I go to park estate school and I'm in room 11 , I was enjoying watching yous'e singing.

    Kind regards Myah

  12. Hi my name is Rhumour and I am from Park Estate School, I was impressed by your guys singing well done you are fantastic at singing even the end bit i really liked it.

    Kind regards

  13. Kia Ora , my name is Max and I am a student in Te Waka Ako at Waikowhai Primary School. I really like how you sang the song with so much pride and strength, The solo was amazing as well. It made me think of my Nannies 60th Birthday when my Aunty sang that song. Have you thought about adding all the people that sang the song. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is

    Greetings Max

  14. Hi there, my name is Lopeti and I am a student in room7 at Waikowhai PrImary School. I really like when you sang. It made me think of Kapa Haka that i do. Have you thought about posting more photo’s so i can see more. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is http://.

  15. Hi, I'm Nevaeh from Waikowhai Primary School and i'm a student in waitemata. I really liked your singing and I also liked how you guys stood up straight and sang loud and you could here the boys and girls singingso please
    check my blog out at blog you later.

  16. Hi my name is Dazharn from Waikowhai school.I like how you used a lot of expression and sang as loud as you could and on time. Come check out my cool as blog

  17. Hi my name is Hame and I am from Waikowhai Primary School. I like how you room 2 sang the hallelujah song. You sang it well and you guys should go on New Zealand got talent. Feel free to comment on my blog here

  18. Hi my name is Lopeti from waikowhai primary school. I like when you sang your song. It reminds me about kapahaka at our school. Please come and comment on my blog.

  19. Kia ora my name is Kieren and im in Te Waka Ako in Waikowhai Primary School,I like that you guys are singing loud and clearly.It made me think of our schools kapa haka group as this is as this is sung in maori.You guys should think about going to a talent show against other schools or even adults,No doubt you guys wouldn't win. If you would like to see my blog it is

    1. Kia Ora Kieren! My name is Amanda thank you for your wonderful comment, it would be awesome to be in a talent show but what I'm thinking about now is seeing your Kapa Haka group it would be interesting.

  20. Hi my name is Keisha and Hi Kieren Mu I really like the way you said that in a nice way and I have had a look at your bolg and I saw them and I had a look and In went ha i really like this bolg im gonna comment on one of them because what I have seen on your bolg was so coll and I like that you have posted your writing and I like your ending of your writing and I think you done great of how you put a capital letter for Mr riceman
    And I would like you to see my bolg post bye

  21. Hi Room 2, my name is Apolosi from Saint Patrick's School. I Love your singing because it reminds me of my big sister singing in English. How long did it take you to learn the song?

  22. Hello Room 2, my name is Christopher from Saint Patrick's School, I love the way that you sang beautifully at Assembly. It reminds me my school singing the national anthem. Did you have to practise a lot before you sang at Assembly?


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